Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barack Obama: Hope,Dream,Progress,for America

After the inaguration of Barack Obama; 44th president of America, has brought the new hope for the nation. The dreams that he promised to fulfill will come true ;people of america believe.Lets hope to see better ,fruitful and progressive future.wanna leave comments ? Click Here .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Charlie Bit Me :Funny Video

This is quiet intresting video downloaded from YouTube. Charlie bit me" nearly 100 million views in the youtube and going rapidely increasing . Its original,innocent,funny,and love between two brothers. I really like it.Wanna see better video in YouTube? Click Here

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sorry! Loadshedding in Nepal

Sorry! Loadshedding in Nepal .Mean no electricity in nepal almost 17/18 hours a day. Its shame that Federal republic of nepal has elected major party lead government leading revolutionary group leader "Prachanda". Everytime dark and loadshedding .............Everyone know that we can do nothing without electricity....................! Oooops!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Israel attack Gaza :A Picture

An unexpected and uncertain attack by Israel in Gaza makes the world more fareful,more insecure and more uncomfort future of us. Any kind of war can not be acceptable wheather they define their purpose is for good. We need to support in favour of peace and friendly and better world.